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"syntax"}], " ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"?", "Metric"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"?", "Riemann"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"?", "ExtrinsicCurvature"}]}]}]], "Input", CellChangeTimes->{{3.549981928993081*^9, 3.549981931941813*^9}, { 3.54998209904242*^9, 3.549982187122085*^9}}], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ StyleBox["\<\"\!\(\\\"Metric[\\\\!\\\\(\\\\*\\\\nStyleBox[\\\\\\\"ds2\\\\\\\"\ ,\\\\nFontSlant->\\\\\\\"Italic\\\\\\\"]\\\\), \ {\\\\!\\\\(\\\\*SubscriptBox[\\\\nStyleBox[\\\\\\\"x\\\\\\\",\\\\nFontSlant->\ \\\\\\\"Italic\\\\\\\"], \\\\(1\\\\)]\\\\), \ \\\\!\\\\(\\\\*SubscriptBox[\\\\nStyleBox[\\\\\\\"x\\\\\\\",\\\\nFontSlant->\\\ \\\\\"Italic\\\\\\\"], \\\\(2\\\\)]\\\\), ...}] returns the metric tensor \ specified by the line element \ \\\\!\\\\(\\\\*\\\\nStyleBox[\\\\\\\"ds2\\\\\\\",\\\\nFontSlant->\\\\\\\"\ Italic\\\\\\\"]\\\\) with coordinates \ \\\\!\\\\(\\\\*SubscriptBox[\\\\nStyleBox[\\\\\\\"x\\\\\\\",\\\\nFontSlant->\\\ \\\\\"Italic\\\\\\\"], \\\\(i\\\\)]\\\\). (Just like ds2met but does not \ require you to define differentials.)\\\"\)\"\>", "MSG"]], "Print", \ "PrintUsage", CellChangeTimes->{3.549982187571146*^9}, CellTags->"Info3549967787-9563680"], Cell[BoxData[ StyleBox["\<\"Riemann[g,x], with g a n.n-matrix and x n-vector of\\n \ coordinates, gives the Riemann tensor (1st upper, three lower\\n indices).\"\ \>", "MSG"]], "Print", "PrintUsage", CellChangeTimes->{3.549982187820879*^9}, CellTags->"Info3549967787-9563680"], Cell["GREATER2`ExtrinsicCurvature", "Print", "PrintUsage", CellChangeTimes->{3.549982188055702*^9}, CellTags->"Info3549967787-9563680"], Cell[BoxData[ InterpretationBox[GridBox[{ {GridBox[{ { RowBox[{ RowBox[{"ExtrinsicCurvature", "[", RowBox[{"Gdd_", ",", "coord_", ",", "csign_", ",", "X_"}], "]"}], ":=", RowBox[{"Module", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "nd", ",", "\[Gamma]dd", ",", "delN", ",", "delSym", ",", "Kdd", ",", "\[Gamma]ud"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"nd", "=", RowBox[{"UnitNormal", "[", RowBox[{"Gdd", ",", "coord", ",", "csign"}], "]"}]}], ";", RowBox[{"\[Gamma]dd", "=", RowBox[{"Gdd", "-", RowBox[{"Outer", "[", RowBox[{"Times", ",", "nd", ",", "nd"}], "]"}]}]}], ";", RowBox[{"\[Gamma]ud", "=", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"IMetric", "[", "Gdd", "]"}], ".", "\[Gamma]dd"}]}], ";", RowBox[{"delN", "=", RowBox[{"CoD", "[", RowBox[{"nd", ",", "Gdd", ",", "X", ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"-", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], ";", RowBox[{"delN", "=", RowBox[{"Simplify", "[", RowBox[{"delN", ",", RowBox[{"TimeConstraint", "\[Rule]", "0.1`"}]}], "]"}]}], ";", RowBox[{"delSym", "=", RowBox[{ FractionBox["1", "2"], " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"delN", "+", RowBox[{"Transpose", "[", "delN", "]"}]}], ")"}]}]}], ";", RowBox[{"Kdd", "=", RowBox[{"-", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Transpose", "[", "\[Gamma]ud", "]"}], ".", "delSym", ".", "\[Gamma]ud"}]}]}], ";", "Kdd"}]}], "]"}]}]} }, BaselinePosition->{Baseline, {1, 1}}, GridBoxAlignment->{ "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> {{Baseline}}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}, GridBoxItemSize->{"Columns" -> {{ Scaled[0.999]}}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> {{1.}}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}]} }, BaselinePosition->{Baseline, {1, 1}}, GridBoxAlignment->{ "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> {{Baseline}}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}], Definition[GREATER2`ExtrinsicCurvature], Editable->False]], "Print", CellChangeTimes->{3.549982188105831*^9}, CellTags->"Info3549967787-9563680"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"??", "Metric"}]], "Input"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ StyleBox["\<\"\\!\\(\\\"Metric[\\\\!\\\\(\\\\*\\\\nStyleBox[\\\\\\\"ds2\\\\\\\ \",\\\\nFontSlant->\\\\\\\"Italic\\\\\\\"]\\\\), \ {\\\\!\\\\(\\\\*SubscriptBox[\\\\nStyleBox[\\\\\\\"x\\\\\\\",\\\\nFontSlant->\ \\\\\\\"Italic\\\\\\\"], \\\\(1\\\\)]\\\\), \ \\\\!\\\\(\\\\*SubscriptBox[\\\\nStyleBox[\\\\\\\"x\\\\\\\",\\\\nFontSlant->\\\ \\\\\"Italic\\\\\\\"], \\\\(2\\\\)]\\\\), ...}] returns the metric tensor \ specified by the line element \ \\\\!\\\\(\\\\*\\\\nStyleBox[\\\\\\\"ds2\\\\\\\",\\\\nFontSlant->\\\\\\\"\ Italic\\\\\\\"]\\\\) with coordinates \ \\\\!\\\\(\\\\*SubscriptBox[\\\\nStyleBox[\\\\\\\"x\\\\\\\",\\\\nFontSlant->\\\ \\\\\"Italic\\\\\\\"], \\\\(i\\\\)]\\\\). (Just like ds2met but does not \ require you to define differentials.)\\\"\\)\"\>", "MSG"]], "Print", \ "PrintUsage", CellChangeTimes->{3.549982184714356*^9}, CellTags->"Info3549967784-9563680"], Cell[BoxData[ InterpretationBox[GridBox[{ {GridBox[{ { RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Metric", "[", RowBox[{"ds2_", ",", "X_"}], "]"}], ":=", RowBox[{"Module", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", "dX", "}"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"dX", "=", RowBox[{"Differential", "[", "X", "]"}]}], ";", RowBox[{"ds2met", "[", RowBox[{"ds2", ",", "dX"}], "]"}]}]}], "]"}]}]} }, BaselinePosition->{Baseline, {1, 1}}, GridBoxAlignment->{ "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> {{Baseline}}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}, GridBoxItemSize->{"Columns" -> {{ Scaled[0.999]}}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> {{1.}}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}]} }, BaselinePosition->{Baseline, {1, 1}}, GridBoxAlignment->{ "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> {{Baseline}}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}], Definition[GREATER2`Metric], Editable->False]], "Print", CellChangeTimes->{3.549982184763112*^9}, CellTags->"Info3549967784-9563680"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, WindowSize->{966, 1268}, WindowMargins->{{177, Automatic}, {Automatic, 10}}, ShowSelection->True, FrontEndVersion->"8.0 for Mac OS X x86 (32-bit, 64-bit Kernel) (October 5, \ 2011)", StyleDefinitions->"Default.nb" ] (* End of Notebook Content *) (* Internal cache information *) (*CellTagsOutline CellTagsIndex->{ "Info3549967787-9563680"->{ Cell[20102, 571, 888, 15, 60, "Print", CellTags->"Info3549967787-9563680"], Cell[20993, 588, 281, 5, 77, "Print", CellTags->"Info3549967787-9563680"], Cell[21277, 595, 137, 2, 39, "Print", CellTags->"Info3549967787-9563680"], Cell[21417, 599, 2466, 61, 89, "Print", CellTags->"Info3549967787-9563680"]}, "Info3549967784-9563680"->{ Cell[24007, 671, 891, 15, 42, "Print", CellTags->"Info3549967784-9563680"], Cell[24901, 688, 1119, 31, 20, "Print", CellTags->"Info3549967784-9563680"]} } *) (*CellTagsIndex CellTagsIndex->{ {"Info3549967787-9563680", 26390, 735}, {"Info3549967784-9563680", 26743, 744} } *) (*NotebookFileOutline Notebook[{ Cell[545, 20, 2112, 46, 208, "Input"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2682, 70, 2596, 61, 238, "Input"], Cell[5281, 133, 841, 25, 89, "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[6159, 163, 2584, 66, 268, "Input"], Cell[8746, 231, 138, 3, 27, "Output"], Cell[8887, 236, 269, 8, 30, "Output"], Cell[9159, 246, 1325, 39, 79, "Output"], Cell[10487, 287, 1217, 36, 87, "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[11741, 328, 1677, 44, 133, "Input"], Cell[13421, 374, 1024, 30, 109, "Output"], Cell[14448, 406, 288, 6, 27, "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[14773, 417, 2454, 65, 148, "Input"], Cell[17230, 484, 478, 13, 33, "Output"], Cell[17711, 499, 724, 21, 47, "Output"], Cell[18438, 522, 726, 21, 47, "Output"], Cell[19167, 545, 225, 4, 27, "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[19429, 554, 648, 13, 88, "Input"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[20102, 571, 888, 15, 60, "Print", CellTags->"Info3549967787-9563680"], Cell[20993, 588, 281, 5, 77, "Print", CellTags->"Info3549967787-9563680"], Cell[21277, 595, 137, 2, 39, "Print", CellTags->"Info3549967787-9563680"], Cell[21417, 599, 2466, 61, 89, "Print", CellTags->"Info3549967787-9563680"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[23932, 666, 50, 1, 27, "Input"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[24007, 671, 891, 15, 42, "Print", CellTags->"Info3549967784-9563680"], Cell[24901, 688, 1119, 31, 20, "Print", CellTags->"Info3549967784-9563680"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] } ] *) (* End of internal cache information *)